Erring on the safe side...a vote for restricting your child from social media. Dr Dunckley expands on an article by pediatrician Ari Brown, MD, regarding advice for managing a disturbing and growing concern regarding online bullying in teens.
Nutrition for the Mind and Body: Weight Management
Mental stress, mental illness, psych meds, and poor sleep all contribute to weight gain, especially in the belly. Here is a program that specifically counteracts these effects and addresses mental health at the same time!
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: Information and Support for Teens
7 Tips to Make Homework Time Happier!
1. Use a timer. This is helpful in two different ways; if you’re creative you can figure out how to use both. 1) If your child gets stuck, distracted, keeps getting up to walk around, can’t focus, can’t finish, etc, use a timer as a game, as in “let’s see how fast you can get …