Integrative Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychiatry
Serving Los Angeles’ Westside
Mission statement:
As an integrative psychiatrist, when I work with a patient, I look to see the whole person. From that place, I help them explore their path to mental wellness by uncovering the mysteries that have been missed, and addressing mental, physical, social, developmental, and environmental issues. Our ultimate goal is not just stability, but realization of full potential. There is always a path, no matter how complicated or hopeless your situation might feel.
Learn how I begin working with all children – regardless of diagnosis – in my book,
Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen Time. (Now with over 1000 positive reviews and translated into 10 foregin languages.)
Want to take a look inside or read reviews? Click on your favorite retailer below:
Screen Time and Your Child’s Brain:
The Impact of Technology on Mental Health and Development.
Featuring Dr. Dunckley and ScreenStrong’s Melanie Hempe. Hosted by Paula Poundstone.

Winner, Patient’s Choice and Compassionate Doctor awards,
America’s Top Psychiatrists – Consumer Research Council of America
Advisory Board, Physicians for Safe Technology
Advisory Board, Children’s Screen Time Action Network
Advisory Board, ScreenStrong